Friday, June 6, 2014

The Kids Were Here #12.....The Wrap Up

Well, here we are again. The end of another photo project. It has been fun and I have enjoyed following the circle each month. As the project comes to an end, I ask myself, what do I take with me from this project? All the reminders that my kids are messy!! No. Seriously. This is what I have to say, so take a moment and read, and really "listen" to what you are reading.....

Time flies. All too fast really. No matter what else is going on in life, kids keep leaving little reminders here and there throughout my house, showing me where they have been. However, not only does it show me where THEY have been. It often shows me where I HAVE NOT been. All the while I am working, or cooking, or cleaning, or paying bills--their little lives still go on. They create. They craft. They play. They snack. They entertain. They primp. They escape to the land of make believe. The leave notes. THEY LIVE. THEY SIMPLY BE WHO THEY ARE. And if it were not for the little messes "left behind," I may have missed it totally. So before getting angry, or upset, or aggravated with THEM, about the little messes....SAVOR THEM. Otherwise you may miss some important messages:

             OR you may overlook what stories may be behind messes like this:

And if you do take time to savor the moment you may be reminded that the little girl that was once you baby is transforming into a teenager right before you very eyes:

And when you really take time to think about it, you are hit with the reality that one day, as
the Trace Adkins song states, "You're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back.......":

This is just my little words of wisdom that I hope you can take with you from today forward. Take time to stop. Smell the roses. Enjoy the messes. Smile. Laugh. Remind yourself this will one day be no more all too soon. And you will miss it. As the kids grow, the "messes" become different. Those "messes" are subtle reminders that, like it or not, kids as the messes go from sticky fingerprints to building blocks to school bags to sports equipment to make-up and is all documenting this JOURNEY CALLED LIFE:) 


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