It was this stack of books. A rather tall stack of books if I may say so. To some this is just a stack of books. To me this is just a stack of books. Plus more. It is the start of my daughters whole hearted effort to CLEAN her room. If you can see beyond the books you will see plenty more things that my daughter has left behind.....missing drawers, markers, name it, it is probably there somewhere. BUT at this moment this stack of books gets full attention. Not only is it a slight "left behind" mess, it is actually the start of things to come. A clean room. A sense of completion. A proud mom moment. A happy kid, proud of herself for just cleaning her room.
So before we clean up the messes, or scold our children for all that is left behind: Look at the mess for a moment, look beyond the mess for a moment. Take it in. Take a deep breath. And just remember,
that mess may actually be the start of better things to come....

Please click here to see what Ashley Dae Turner and her kids
have left behind!
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