Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Kids Were Here #7

Well here it is again. Time for another post and the way time is going I feel like I just posted yesterday. When in fact, I guess another month has passed. What did my kids leave behind this time? Too many things I am certain. Too many things for me to capture with my camera unless I have it permanently mounted around my neck. However, I did capture one thing which spoke very loudly to me.

It was this stack of books. A rather tall stack of books if I may say so. To some this is just a stack of books. To me this is just a stack of books. Plus more. It is the start of my daughters whole hearted effort to CLEAN her room. If you can see beyond the books you will see plenty more things that my daughter has left behind.....missing drawers, markers, name it, it is probably there somewhere. BUT at this moment this stack of books gets full attention. Not only is it a slight "left behind" mess, it is actually the start of things to come. A clean room. A sense of completion. A proud mom moment. A happy kid, proud of herself for just cleaning her room.

So before we clean up the messes, or scold our children for all that is left behind: Look at the mess for a moment, look beyond the mess for a moment. Take it in. Take a deep breath. And just remember,
that mess may actually be the start of better things to come....

It may be a mess now, but one day that mess will be gone, and you will wish that you had it back--even if for only one. passing. moment.

                       Please click here to see what Ashley Dae Turner and her kids 
                                                    have left behind!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Kids Were Here #6

I am going to let the pictures do the talking this month:) Hope everyone is well and I hope you have remembered to treasure all the small "messes" left behind this month!


                                   THIRTEEN YEAR OLD "MESSES"

                Please check out Kindra Boston and her Left Behind project


Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Kids Were Here #5

Well this month is short and sweet and to the point. Just as is the ONE picture I have selected for this month. This month for us has been a crazy busy one with work, school, community walks, and lot of kids activities. Therefore I must admit there have been a lot of messes left behind, not only by the children, but all of us due to the simple fact it does not seem we are ever home! However, none of those little "messes" spoke to me as strongly as this one little (yet very big and strong) piece left behind by my 8 year old. She had been having a long, tired, week of school, homework, her own activities and  her 13 year old sisters basketball games. This one particular night she had reached her limit. She was tired and crabby and she new it. I had helped her get her stuff done and cleaned up. Helped her get her school uniform ready, etc. She knew I was tired as well. She came in my room told me she was sorry and gave me a big hug. She quietly walked out, went into another room at that time, came back to my room and told me good night. And off to her room she went. I went to tuck her in and kiss her good night and then made a stop off in the computer room (where I do all the editing, blogging, etc). This is what I saw:


Thursday, September 26, 2013


It is that time again to post those sweet little reminders that the kids were indeed here:) This time the words are few, but for me especially, the photographs say a 1000 words about who my girls are!

Wizard of Oz must mean my youngest has been here 
Spiral? Straight? Crimp?
Each day brings a new style for my girls
(My girls were here)

A colorful piece of artwork
(This time my youngest was here)

Some softball necessities
(my oldest has been here)

Sports bag on the floor wherever it lands
(yep, that softball loving teenage of mine was here)

And this can only mean one thing to me...
(my youngest has been here)

Remember, if you see a mess--First embrace it, learn from it, smile at it.....
Then take a deep breath and ever so calmly put your mom hat on:)
"For the 1000 time, please clean up your mess!!!"
             What have Victoria Kegg and her kids have left behind this month?

                Please click the link and continue on with the circle. ENJOY!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Kids Were Here #3

This was left behind on the beach by my two little ladies who were having some fun on Clearwater Beach in Florida

The final product

Reminder of fun at Disney
I found these on my oldest daughter's desk after she had created them in a restaurant in Disney
Please check out another amazing photographer Nikki Armour Zimmerman

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My youngest is forever creating. Hardly a day goes by when I don't find something that she has created!

More remnants of another creation. Note the "A" for Adi:)
This makes me smile:) Created by Adi, age 8 on Grandma and Grandpa's driveway

My oldest's latest doing

A girl needs nail polish.....and apparently lots of it.....

My oldest is 13 but her Peace bear has been with her quite some time and seems to make his way around!

When Addison was 4, our Dalmatian, Joy,  passed. Addison has deeply missed her since.
She forever keeps a stuffed "Joy" near her.

WIZARD OF OZ.....Addison LOVES it!!!! This is her page a day calendar. She has not missed a day yet.

            Now check out what Michele Rogers Fahey's kids have left behind

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Kids Were Here #1

Well, not much to say here except let the pictures do the talking. As fas as going about capturing these little "messes" I am choosing to use my cell phone for majority of this project. I am more concerned about capturing the memory this time vs. quality of the image. I almost always have my cell phone handy and my kids are almost always making one kind of mess or another! Therefore the cell phone will be my camera of choice for this project:)

                      Never before did I see such beauty in the little "messes"

Please check out another amazing photographer and the memories her kids left behind!

Friday, May 31, 2013

My Oldest Baby Turning Into a Teenager Looks Like

Well, thanks to the lovely weather we have had this post is not going to be what I intended to be. We have had SO much rain that I have not been able to get outside to take photographs of my daughter who just turned 13!!!!! Thirteen??? Did I just say 13??? I am not sure how it is possible but it is the reality. My baby is now 13...YIKES!

She is a beautiful young lady and I am so proud of her. She has a heart of gold, she loves school, she is spunky, full of life, athletic, and makes the room brighter every time she walks in. You never quite know what she is going to say next. She definitely is starting to find who she is. And I love her with all my heart and am so very proud of who she is.

Though it has seemed as it has happened in the blink of an eye, I am very blessed. Kids are supposed to grow up. Kids are supposed to learn new things. Kids are supposed to succeed. And fail. Learn what it is like to fall. But also to get back up again and try harder. Kids will learn who they are and who they are not. I have wiped many a tear so far but have also seem many smiles and screams of joy. They will learn about life and love and heartache. They will learn about death and dying and moving on. And through it all their life will unfold and they will become who they are intended to be. And I would not have it any other way...................
She loves her sister.....see:)

And yes she loves her phone (but not as much as her sister??)

 There is that spunk I was talking about

Helping on her sister's field trip.......well, taking a break right now:)

Turning into a very beautiful young lady. And let me tell you
her sister is CRAZY about her. 

Growing up.......


Doing what she loves

Oh and she is VERY speedy too!!!!!