Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Kids Were Here #5

Well this month is short and sweet and to the point. Just as is the ONE picture I have selected for this month. This month for us has been a crazy busy one with work, school, community walks, and lot of kids activities. Therefore I must admit there have been a lot of messes left behind, not only by the children, but all of us due to the simple fact it does not seem we are ever home! However, none of those little "messes" spoke to me as strongly as this one little (yet very big and strong) piece left behind by my 8 year old. She had been having a long, tired, week of school, homework, her own activities and  her 13 year old sisters basketball games. This one particular night she had reached her limit. She was tired and crabby and she new it. I had helped her get her stuff done and cleaned up. Helped her get her school uniform ready, etc. She knew I was tired as well. She came in my room told me she was sorry and gave me a big hug. She quietly walked out, went into another room at that time, came back to my room and told me good night. And off to her room she went. I went to tuck her in and kiss her good night and then made a stop off in the computer room (where I do all the editing, blogging, etc). This is what I saw: