Thursday, August 30, 2012

This is what Sisters look like.....

 Well, here it is the last day that I have to get this post published. Needless to say I have been a bit behind on doing so. I should be filling this blog with all the pics of all the events which have taken place to explain why I am so behind. BUT I am not any more busy than the next person, so I will spare you the details. SO, this month I will keep this simple because that is what time allows for. I decided to simply make this a quick blog post about my two daughters: The smallest loves of my life. The oldest is in 7th grade and the youngest is in 2nd grade. They are off to a good start at school and seem to be loving it! What I love about that is that they have each other there. They may not see each other often, but none the less they have each other. And let me tell you I know that little one sure looks up to her big sister. It amazes me how different, yet how similar, they are really are. I am glad that they have each other to share this life with. The girls are 5 years apart in age, but all things considered, that age difference works well for them. They laugh, they fight, the share, they play, they joke, they yell...they do what siblings do. And under it all, they really do LIKE each other (I think). The days that they are at each other and have had enough are the days I remind them that they ought to be thankful they have each other. I remind them of when my grandma told me the story about she and her sister. My grandma was the oldest and her sister was substantially younger. My grandma Dorothy was not the most fond of her little sister Mary Lou growing up, but as adults they were best friends. I remind them of this. Often.....






So for those of you out there who have a sibling or who are a sibling to someone--
If you have not done so lately, use the small phrase "I love you."
If you have argued with your sibling, say "I am sorry."
If you have not spoken with your sibling in quite some time, stop reading this and go make a call.
If you have lost a sibling (such as I have), I am thinking of you as it is a hard loss to endure.
If you have kids who love each other one minute and fight like cats and dogs the next--embrace both aspects of that as that is how siblings (most) work.
In other words, when all is said and done, do not take your sibling for granted as you never know when it may be the last time you see your sibling.

    Now please go check out another blog entry (and a very nice one if I may say so) by fellow photographer Angie Jackson. Nice work Angie!